Archive for the mixtape Category

Spazzkid I Hate The Rainy Days Mix

Posted in mixtape with tags , , on July 28, 2008 by purokaindiecommune

Our resident DJ who’s yet to rock that Justice jacket made a mix that would surely make you stay in during these rainy days. This mix shy away from the electro club bangers Spazzkid has been doing for quite some time now, instead focusing on a straight up mixtape like the good old days, except this one is, y’know, on mp3 format not cassette (meaning no flipping of side a to side b). Think of it as a collection of songs to be listened to in one sitting. A very chill one to be exact. Very indoors-y. You know, if you’re taking E, this would be for the blue ones, not those dirty dirty dirty orange ones. Gotta insert that drug reference somewhere. But if you’re down with those club bangers and dirty orange pills then you could get those on the Spazz’s multiply site, by simply clicking here. So heres to PKi! stepping into the future of blogging for hipsters, along with all those electro blogs like Hipster Run-Off. Right click+save as that bitch! You know the drill.

Also, hows about a video of our boy in action? Sure? Sweet as!